Alright. This is just fucking ridiculous.
I had a few songs that I honestly thought would make it into either the top5 for the week, or the top30 of "all time."
They were at 4.49, 4.51, etc. Pretty damn high.
Then right at 10:59, my time, they all got 0bombed. Because some jackasses wanted those spots. The system needs a huge fucking reform.
I'm no longer posting full songs to Newgrounds. Not until the corrupt system is fixed.
I was honestly excited, maybe people would actually start seeing my music, you know, if it got to the front page. But I didn't self vote, I didn't 0bomb other people. I was going to let it all take its course.
Then this. Fuck Newgrounds audio portal, and everything it stands for. Because it's rotting.
All of my music is going to soundcloud and bandcamp from now on, the full versions at least. NG might get samples, cuts of songs. But until the system is fixed, no more full versions on here.